“Pound Shop”

The Martlets Retail Team is running a “Pound Shop”


What You Can Fund

We have a wide range of projects, services and items which can be supported by donations and grants. You can find out about these items on this page as follows: 

 Martlets Wishes Brochure

Containing a range of gifts you can make from just £5 to £456. The brochure focuses on our core service costs which we have to fund each and every year to keep our services running. Download our Wishes Brochure

Our Wish List

Containing a range of gifts you can make from just £5 to over £35,000. The list includes both ongoing service costs and specific capital priorities such as new or replacement furniture and equipment. Visit our Wish List page here.

The Big Give

The Big Give is an external database for UK charities wishing to attract large donations for the continuation and expansion of their work. We have a number of both capital and revenue projects featured on The Big Give ranging from £5,000 to £1,000,000. To view these projects, please go to The Big Give website and select the ‘Find a Charity’ button and then type in ‘Martlets’

For further information about any of these items please contact:

Gary Moyle - Charitable Trusts & Foundations Fundraiser
Telephone: 01273 747455 
Email Gary

How far would you go for your local Hospice?

We've got UK challenges, life changing adventures abroad, bike rides from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks - you name it - you can do it! 

You'll have an incredible experience and be helping local people by enabling us to continue to provide our vital services.
