STOP PRESS - THE 2013 EVENT HAS RAISED £108,000 as of Sept 2013

The Biggest Girls’ Night Out of the Year - 14th June 2013

On Friday 14th June 2013 over 700 women gathered at Brighton Racecourse to take part in the 7th Martlets Midnight Walk. Women of all ages and from all parts of the city came together for the Martlets biggest fundraising night of the year. The youngest participants were just 13 and the oldest was Eileen Walker, 99 who was being pushed around the course in a wheelchair by neighbours.

There was a party atmosphere as the women arrived, many wearing fancy dress, including an ABBA tribute and Shrek. The Rock Choir provided uplifting entertainment to get everyone in the mood to face the challenge of the 13 mile course. There were lots of women walking in teams alongside friends and colleagues. These included: Bluebilicious, who lived up to their name in electric blue wigs, The Ladies of Lewes Golf Club, Mumpreneurs, Churchill Square, Debbie’s Divas and by far the biggest team of the night, Jude’s Gems.

Jude’s Gems was inspired and set up by Jude Stokes a young nurse at the Royal Alex who has terminal cancer and is being looked after by the Hospice nurses. Although not well enough to do the walk herself she was able to come and wave her 50 ‘gems’ off.

At midnight the Mayor, Denise Cobb, sounded the horn and the women streamed out of the racecourse. It was an emotional moment for many and especially for the Martlets Fundraising Team as it is the last Midnight Walk for one of the fundraisers – Rachel Chitty - who is off to pastures new and will be sorely missed.

As always the unsung heros of the night are the marshals who mark the route and ensure that no one gets lost and provide vital encouragement to the walkers.

At about 2am the heavens opened and the showers that had been threatened arrived. Luckily this coincided with the halfway point so many women were able to pick up free macs and refuel before heading off in the wind and rain to the homeward stretch along the seafront and back up to the racecourse along the dreaded Wilson Avenue. Those women doing the 6 mile route collected their medals and gratefully got on to the bus and made their way back to the racecourse.

 Despite being in the rain for the last mile of the walk Eileen Walker and her companions completed the 6 mile walk by 3am and were all still smiling at the end. “I’ve never had so much fun and I really hope I can do it again,” said Eileen.

The majority of the walkers (600) doing the 13 mile route showed true grit and determination as they didn’t let the weather get the better of them and began arriving at the racecourse at around 4am. Despite being wet and cold they were soon revived by a hot cup of tea and were all justifiably proud of their achievement. Many are already pledging to do it again next year and one team are already planning their outfits!

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in helping put on this event. Without the support of around 100 volunteers who do everything from catering and face painting to security and marshalling, the Midnight Walk couldn’t happen. We know what an incredible effort it takes to give up a whole night’s sleep and we are humbled by the amazing support we have. So far this year’s event has raised in excess of £90,000 which will go directly to fund the work of our nurses.

 If you are interested in doing the Midnight Walk in 2014 please contact Antonia Shepherd [email protected]

Thanks again and here’s to 2014.